Monday, May 11, 2009

What's Great About Our Community?

In my personal opinion I think what is great about the community of West Liberty is that the majority of the people in West Liberty are very close the people here work together to make West Liberty a better place. When something tragic happens the community will work together to do whatever they can to help a family out. In most communities you don’t see people working together like this most people just hold their own and don’t really worry about anyone else but themselves in some cases that’s not a bad thing but, when you know you have people around you that care it always seems to make a situation easier.
Another thing that makes West Liberty such a great place is they are not a lot of crime that goes on around here of course they are little things that do occur but it’s not nearly as bad here as what it is other places. I really like the thought of not feeling the need to worry about someone coming in on me and my family and stealing everything we have. In places that I have lived before I would never ever go to bed without making sure my house was locked up good but, here I feel like I don’t need to worry and it’s a good feeling to feel secure.
The final thing that makes West Liberty such a wonderful place for me to live is the fact I have such wonderful neighbors. The people that live next door to me are the most trustworthy people I have ever met in my life. Anytime that my family and I need to be out of town my neighbors are wonderful about getting our mail and making sure that our house is safe. Also ever since my grandmother has been sick she has received countless numbers of cards and gifts from our neighbors and it always makes her feel so much better. I think that West Liberty is just the right size and they are just the right amount of people here. If this place was any bigger it probably wouldn’t be as great as it is.

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