Monday, May 4, 2009

The Power of the 'Net

It is amazing what technology can do these days. With the advent of the Internet, the flow of communication is much faster than anyone could have ever imagined. Want to send a letter, but hate physical limitations and/or the post office in general? Send an e-mail. Need info fast? Google is your best friend. Got something to say to the world? Simply create your website to share information or create a blog in order to mouth off about issues. Want to discuss topics with like-minded individuals? That's what online forums are for. Want to keep in touch with your friends? Your prayers have been answered by MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter. This and more can be accomplished through the Internet with amazing speed...without leaving the comfort of your home. Indeed, the world is literally at your fingertips (which have likely been used recently if you're are reading this) as long as you have a computer with Internet access.

Such communicative power has endless possibilities. Some may be good, and others shady. Therefore, I urge whoever that stumbles upon this blog to use it for the common good. In order to accomplish great things, people must be brought together. As the old saying goes, two heads are better than one. With the Internet, however, those heads may be multiplied exponentially. This kind of raw manpower is just what we need to improve West Liberty...and communities all over the world. So don't waste the power of the 'net or allow it to succumb to less than noble causes. Flood it with noble ambition!

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