Monday, May 11, 2009

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: What Kind of Jobs Does West Liberty Need?

West Liberty as we all know is in desperate need of JOBS! If West Liberty had jobs that paid well and were promising then you could not ask for a better place to live. As I have said before most people who live here and have been raised up in this area don’t want to leave but are forced to. I think the kind of Jobs that West Liberty needs are jobs that people have went to college and worked for. They are a lot of jobs around here such as fast foods jobs but those aren’t what people who have come out of 4 years of college want to get. They want good paying jobs that are promising and that have good benefits. After 4 years of college or more the last thing people want to worry about is getting a job that seems to be a good one and then the company shutting down. I could not think of a worse feeling then to have something you worked so hard for being taking away after you have put so much dedacation and hard work into getting it.The kinds of jobs I think we need are jobs such as: Accounting Jobs, More job opportunities at the hospital, more jobs in agriculture, and more promising jobs in the school system. Those would all be ideal jobs for people with college degrees. But as for jobs for people who don’t have college degrees West Liberty could really use some factory jobs with some good benefits. Also I think that the people who do have jobs around here deserve more pay and benefits than what they are getting.

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