Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Proposal for Park & Special Needs Kids

And again hello to all. I have a wonderfull Idea!
What other kind could I have? Just kidding! Please
stick with me for a moment so that I can share this
with you.
I propose that we keep our small childrens play area
and just extend it slightly to accomodate the special
needs equipment. We would cover the whole area with
the same surfacing that is found on pre school play grounds.
This surface is a rubber type matting that is very durable
and can accomodate wheel chairs and walking aids. Our
small play area would include all the same features it has
now just adding swings along with handicap accessable
swings, and a wheel through arcade. Lets not forget the
The small play area is so very well suited for this as it
is also shaded by the line of trees just behind it and close
to the water fountain. I will be taking this proposal along
with my research for the grants to the next city council
meeting. Wish us luck.

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