Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Moral Dissonance

Being a part of New Cities did give me a little hope for my community. Unfortunately, I can no longer participate in such an endeavor. It's no secret that my Gov 141 grade played a huge factor into my participation, and since the semester is ending, it is time for my involvement to end as well. It's not that I don't care. In fact, leaving like this makes me feel more than a bit guilty. No, I have another reason entirely.

The fact of the matter is that I can't drive. A mix of fear, procrastination, and the intimidation of the real world resulted in me waiting to get my permit (which I received only last December). Therefore, I've depended on my Papaw to get me from place to place within city limits. Unfortunately for him, he isn't in the best shape in the world. He has emphysema, high blood pressure, and diabetes, just to name a few of his problems. This summer, I will attempt to get my license in order to lessen his burden. (To go off on a tangent here, maybe we can do something in the future to aid the elderly and disabled). Until then, however, he has to drive, and I don't want to force him to come to subsequent New Cities meetings and/or events when it is not necessary to sustain my grade. Once I receive my license, though, this may change.

Although I may not actually go to any meetings, I will still try to do the best I can to help. If any of my classmates still want to continue with New Cities and want suggestions, feel free to e-mail me at the address shown on Facebook.

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