Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jackie's 2 New CIties Institute Comment...

Many of the people in the community doesn't really realize what shape that Morgan County is really in. Most of Morgan County is in good shape overall but just needs alittle improvement. Such as our Institute Group is trying to accomplish. We really would like to put Handicap swings and more equipment into Old Mill Park because we really don't have any equipment in Morgan County for Handicap children. We don't need to let them feel left out so we are really pushing for that new facility. We also are really wanting to be able to put on plays and have concerts at Old Mill Park to involve all the children in Morgan County to participate. They have been other ideas that other groups have had that are also very important to myself for our community such as the neighbor helping neighbor idea, and the idea about a medical professional workforce. If anyone is reading this that hasnt come to these meetings before need to realize that everyone's ideas are very interesting and important. If you are interested in these meetings please come to them and express your ideas for our community.

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