Monday, May 11, 2009

How Can West Liberty Engage Our Young People?

The Young People of West Liberty can easily be engaged but just feeling like their opinions matter. I really feel that if we felt like what we had to say mattered we would step up and would want to help more and want to do more to improve our community. I really think most of us feel that if we don’t have a good name or don’t have a family member that is a public official that our ideas will be shot down and not even be considered. While attending a New Cities meeting Tad Long really gave me the impression that he does value the thoughts and ideas of the youth of this county I really think that if more of our Public Officials here gave off that impression the youth would step up and enlighten people with their ideas and opinions. The ideas that do get consider mostly come from the older people from this area who already have children that are grown up and moved away from here. But it would make more sense to me to want to consider youth ideas more because we are the younger generation who have been growing up here and possibly raising family here within the next 10 years. If Morgan County is still in the shape is in now 10 years from now I know that I will not consider staying here at all. And I’m sure others my age feel the same as I do. West Liberty has a lot of upsides and is a good place to live, but no jobs and nothing to do is not a very promising thing to keep people here. If youth ideas are took into consideration I think it will keep most of us from moving away.

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