Monday, May 11, 2009

New Cities in West Liberty: My Perspective

To me The New Cities in West Liberty is an excellent idea and has some wonderful plans that I would really like to see all fall into place and work out for West Liberty. After attended the meeting and discussing the issues in class I really think that what all has been talked about would truly make West Liberty an even better place for the people of this community to live. I feel that the ideas that have been talked about are not ideas that would be impossible to complete although I do see them taking some time to finally come together and be put into play.
I think the best idea out of all the ideas talked about are the following: 1.) Cleaning up West Liberty (making down town look better, planting flowers, painting the buildings and fixing up the sidewalks), 2.) The new bathroom facilities at Old Mill Park and 3.) The best idea of them all in my opinion a recycling center.
I think by cleaning up West Liberty and fixing little things up down town it would make West Liberty feel more homely and would make people even more Proud to call West Liberty their home. By fixing up or making a new bathroom facilities better it would bring a lot more people to the park and would make the park an overall better place for families to come to and spend time together. And finally a recycling center in West Liberty would be one of the best things to happen to West Liberty it would help keep trash out of the dump, off the roads and would also bring in some jobs which is another thing West Liberty is in need of.

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