Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Did everyone get Mr. Gays E-mail? There will be a
Chamber of Commerce meeting at Patties Place Noon
on The 14th. I hope everyone comes out to attend if you
can. I am going to do my best to attend and bring with me
my proposal for the play area. If anyone wants to come
I encourage you all to do so. We need voices and support
of our ideas and thaughts. And if anyone has anything
they want to add or new ideas to talk over with our group
this would be a great time to do it. Lets show everyone
how commited we are to seeing our improvement plans
progress into action plans!
We need all that can attend to attend. Lets show everyone
we are serious and that we are going to hang in there like a
hair in a biscuit! Lets prove to them that we want our thaughts and plans to be
taken seriously and that we take them seriously as well.
So come on out and join the rest at Patties Place noon on the 14th!
Hope to see you there.....................................................

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