Monday, May 11, 2009

What do West Liberty Residents Want to Change?

I think that the Residents of West Liberty would like to see more jobs, more activities for children and families to do and more tourist attractions. By having more jobs in West Liberty people would not have to move away from their families and go so far away to work. A lot of people from this area who have went on to college and have got degrees are not able to work here and are forced to move away to be able to provided for their families or themselves. The majority of the ones that do move away really don’t want to go but have no other choice but to. More activities for families and children would keep people from driving so far away to have something for their families to do. Although we do have a movie theater here you really don’t have much of a choice of what to watch so people travel to places like Morehead, Mt. Sterling and Winchester just to watch a movie, not only is it costing people a lot in gas to travel to these places but it’s also taking money and putting into to other communities when that money could be used here. If Old Mill Park had more things to do other than just walk around I really think that families would spend a lot of time down there. Yes, they are a playground but there isn’t much to it and it’s not very big at all when 5 kids are down there playing all at once it’s crowded. Tourist attractions would not only give the people of West Liberty to enjoy but, it would also bring people from other places into our county and would bring in money and possibly some jobs. Morgan County has a lot of good past history here a museum could easily be put together here to show off how proud most of us are of this county. It’s just simple little things that can really make people appreciate their community.

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