Friday, May 8, 2009

New Cities and Gov 141: A Great Experience

To all I have had the pleasure to meet and work with in this class it has been a wonderful experience. I am glad that I took this Government class and that Mr. Gay encouraged us and gave us the opportunity to get involved with our community. It has been a real learning experience.
I have enjoyed the time I have spent working with my fellow students. I plan to keep involved with the park program. Although my main concern is to be a help in any way for the restructuring of the playground for special needs children. I will try to be as involved as possible with the other goals we have set for our events as well. But as always the subject nearest and dearest to my heart will be the childrens' personal area.
I am glad to have met you my fellow students and glad to have had the opportunity to have worked with you on this wonderful project. Good luck to everyone in their future endevaors.

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