Wednesday, May 6, 2009

For the Children

Hello all. I'm Finally a contributor! Horray Horrah!
Now to get to the point. Celebration over.
During my visit to the last city hall meeting, I had
the chance to speak to the council about our group
and our plans.
I must say that they were warm and welcoming.
I expressed to them our interests and they were
very recieving. I spoke to them about our event plans
and about the permenant concession stand. I also spent
some amount of time on the issue nearest and dearest to
my heart and that is our kids.
The council was very interested and I invited them to
come to our next meeting on May the 14th. I plan to stay
in touch with the members of our city council about the
design and progress of our play area. My main focus was
the handicap accessable swings and ground cover for the
small play area.
I will be talking with them and contacting the Americans
with Disabilities Act commision to check on the available
grants for our park. The city has some money for this expansion
but they need not dip into it till we see how much we
can obtain by adhearing to the ADA standards and recieving a
grant by doing so.
So wish us luck and lets improve the park for everyone
in our community.

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