Monday, May 11, 2009

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: What Kind of Jobs Does West Liberty Need?

West Liberty as we all know is in desperate need of JOBS! If West Liberty had jobs that paid well and were promising then you could not ask for a better place to live. As I have said before most people who live here and have been raised up in this area don’t want to leave but are forced to. I think the kind of Jobs that West Liberty needs are jobs that people have went to college and worked for. They are a lot of jobs around here such as fast foods jobs but those aren’t what people who have come out of 4 years of college want to get. They want good paying jobs that are promising and that have good benefits. After 4 years of college or more the last thing people want to worry about is getting a job that seems to be a good one and then the company shutting down. I could not think of a worse feeling then to have something you worked so hard for being taking away after you have put so much dedacation and hard work into getting it.The kinds of jobs I think we need are jobs such as: Accounting Jobs, More job opportunities at the hospital, more jobs in agriculture, and more promising jobs in the school system. Those would all be ideal jobs for people with college degrees. But as for jobs for people who don’t have college degrees West Liberty could really use some factory jobs with some good benefits. Also I think that the people who do have jobs around here deserve more pay and benefits than what they are getting.

How Can West Liberty Engage Our Young People?

The Young People of West Liberty can easily be engaged but just feeling like their opinions matter. I really feel that if we felt like what we had to say mattered we would step up and would want to help more and want to do more to improve our community. I really think most of us feel that if we don’t have a good name or don’t have a family member that is a public official that our ideas will be shot down and not even be considered. While attending a New Cities meeting Tad Long really gave me the impression that he does value the thoughts and ideas of the youth of this county I really think that if more of our Public Officials here gave off that impression the youth would step up and enlighten people with their ideas and opinions. The ideas that do get consider mostly come from the older people from this area who already have children that are grown up and moved away from here. But it would make more sense to me to want to consider youth ideas more because we are the younger generation who have been growing up here and possibly raising family here within the next 10 years. If Morgan County is still in the shape is in now 10 years from now I know that I will not consider staying here at all. And I’m sure others my age feel the same as I do. West Liberty has a lot of upsides and is a good place to live, but no jobs and nothing to do is not a very promising thing to keep people here. If youth ideas are took into consideration I think it will keep most of us from moving away.

What do West Liberty Residents Want to Change?

I think that the Residents of West Liberty would like to see more jobs, more activities for children and families to do and more tourist attractions. By having more jobs in West Liberty people would not have to move away from their families and go so far away to work. A lot of people from this area who have went on to college and have got degrees are not able to work here and are forced to move away to be able to provided for their families or themselves. The majority of the ones that do move away really don’t want to go but have no other choice but to. More activities for families and children would keep people from driving so far away to have something for their families to do. Although we do have a movie theater here you really don’t have much of a choice of what to watch so people travel to places like Morehead, Mt. Sterling and Winchester just to watch a movie, not only is it costing people a lot in gas to travel to these places but it’s also taking money and putting into to other communities when that money could be used here. If Old Mill Park had more things to do other than just walk around I really think that families would spend a lot of time down there. Yes, they are a playground but there isn’t much to it and it’s not very big at all when 5 kids are down there playing all at once it’s crowded. Tourist attractions would not only give the people of West Liberty to enjoy but, it would also bring people from other places into our county and would bring in money and possibly some jobs. Morgan County has a lot of good past history here a museum could easily be put together here to show off how proud most of us are of this county. It’s just simple little things that can really make people appreciate their community.

New Cities in West Liberty: My Perspective

To me The New Cities in West Liberty is an excellent idea and has some wonderful plans that I would really like to see all fall into place and work out for West Liberty. After attended the meeting and discussing the issues in class I really think that what all has been talked about would truly make West Liberty an even better place for the people of this community to live. I feel that the ideas that have been talked about are not ideas that would be impossible to complete although I do see them taking some time to finally come together and be put into play.
I think the best idea out of all the ideas talked about are the following: 1.) Cleaning up West Liberty (making down town look better, planting flowers, painting the buildings and fixing up the sidewalks), 2.) The new bathroom facilities at Old Mill Park and 3.) The best idea of them all in my opinion a recycling center.
I think by cleaning up West Liberty and fixing little things up down town it would make West Liberty feel more homely and would make people even more Proud to call West Liberty their home. By fixing up or making a new bathroom facilities better it would bring a lot more people to the park and would make the park an overall better place for families to come to and spend time together. And finally a recycling center in West Liberty would be one of the best things to happen to West Liberty it would help keep trash out of the dump, off the roads and would also bring in some jobs which is another thing West Liberty is in need of.

What's Great About Our Community?

In my personal opinion I think what is great about the community of West Liberty is that the majority of the people in West Liberty are very close the people here work together to make West Liberty a better place. When something tragic happens the community will work together to do whatever they can to help a family out. In most communities you don’t see people working together like this most people just hold their own and don’t really worry about anyone else but themselves in some cases that’s not a bad thing but, when you know you have people around you that care it always seems to make a situation easier.
Another thing that makes West Liberty such a great place is they are not a lot of crime that goes on around here of course they are little things that do occur but it’s not nearly as bad here as what it is other places. I really like the thought of not feeling the need to worry about someone coming in on me and my family and stealing everything we have. In places that I have lived before I would never ever go to bed without making sure my house was locked up good but, here I feel like I don’t need to worry and it’s a good feeling to feel secure.
The final thing that makes West Liberty such a wonderful place for me to live is the fact I have such wonderful neighbors. The people that live next door to me are the most trustworthy people I have ever met in my life. Anytime that my family and I need to be out of town my neighbors are wonderful about getting our mail and making sure that our house is safe. Also ever since my grandmother has been sick she has received countless numbers of cards and gifts from our neighbors and it always makes her feel so much better. I think that West Liberty is just the right size and they are just the right amount of people here. If this place was any bigger it probably wouldn’t be as great as it is.

Friday, May 8, 2009

New Cities and Gov 141: A Great Experience

To all I have had the pleasure to meet and work with in this class it has been a wonderful experience. I am glad that I took this Government class and that Mr. Gay encouraged us and gave us the opportunity to get involved with our community. It has been a real learning experience.
I have enjoyed the time I have spent working with my fellow students. I plan to keep involved with the park program. Although my main concern is to be a help in any way for the restructuring of the playground for special needs children. I will try to be as involved as possible with the other goals we have set for our events as well. But as always the subject nearest and dearest to my heart will be the childrens' personal area.
I am glad to have met you my fellow students and glad to have had the opportunity to have worked with you on this wonderful project. Good luck to everyone in their future endevaors.

Let's Stay in Touch

Forgot to mention this in the last blog but figured Id just post another. Anytime anything needs updated on the facebook group someone just send me an email or a facebook message about it. I work some crazy hours at work but its an amazing job so I should be available when needed. Also if ya just need me for anything just send me an email. for referance.