Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Talking about improving Old Mill Park reminded me of this.

Back in the 90's and early 2000's, Nickelodeon sponsored a little something known as The Big Help, which tried to get kids involved with their community. Of all the projects they have done, this is the one I remember most clearly (probably because it was the last one before it became The Big Green Help or whatever it is now):

"Make Your Mark, Help Your Park" Campaign

Doesn't that almost sound like New Cities Initiative Jr.? Perhaps that's because we pretty much have the same goal: to improve the community and motivate others to do the same. The only differences are the target demographic (kids vs. entire community) and the target area (the nation vs. West Liberty/Morgan County). That and the participants in The Big Help probably didn't acquire as deep an understanding of the mechanics of the U.S. government as those currently enrolled in Government 141. :)

Given the success of this campaign, why not encourage those in late elementary school or middle school to volunteer in Old Mill Park? It doesn't have to be anything major. It could be things such as keeping the park clean or helping out a bit with the events. It would be a great learning experience for them.

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