Wednesday, April 8, 2009

“….Ask what you can do for your Country.”

We all know that quote, most of us I would conjecture find it inspiring, and it seems like a nice thing to do. But when it actually comes down to asking ourselves what we can do for our country we begin to feel as though there isn’t much as an individual that we could do. We begin to ask ourselves, what could one small person, one small group, or even one small town do to really make a difference in our Country or even in our State?
Well the answer to this question is actually quite simple it is called a grassroots movement. When individuals come together and organize themselves they can be heard. They can make a difference and change their community, state and even country for the better. When a group of individuals come together with a common goal and organize themselves well enough to garner and hold support you have the beginnings of change right there. Grassroots campaigns are now easier than ever to begin thanks to the wonderful resources for communication we now have available on the internet.
Grassroots movements have been successful all over the country and all over the world. Most of President Obama’s campaign was started at grassroots and carried upwards. In West Liberty we are beginning a grassroots campaign of our own to improve our community through the New Cities Initiative. It is important that we all join together in this movement to accomplish the goal of improving our community. We have to remember that change starts from the ground up and we all play apart in making change.

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