Monday, April 13, 2009

The Importance of The Project

I am, of course, not from this location. Obviously, that puts me at a disadvantage to the rest of the class. However, i can easily see that this project can be used to achieve some great things within Morgan County. As stated in class, the infrastructure needs to be refurbished; with the help of this project, things such as the preceding can be accomplished.
They can be accomplished if enough people support them. From what I have seen and heard; there are a great deal of influential people who are in favor of projects such as ours. Am I correct in my thinking that there were Representatives at some of the meetings? If so, they can obviously drum up a great deal of support for our project.
What we must keep in mind is that this project can do some great things for Morgan County. Whatever goals that we set for ourselves to accomplish needs to get accomplished. We need to think big, but also realistically. We need our project to succeed due to the fact that the better it does this time, the more inclined people will be to support such a project in the future.
Thank you


  1. I cannot believe that I still have not figured out how to become a contributor to this site. But oh well here is a post for the blog anyway. After the last cities initiative meeting on thursday, I was invited by Mr. Mark Walter to come and speak at the next city council meeting. The meeting was this past monday at city hall. I was asked at the begining of the meeting to speak about our group and our mission. I spoke of our groups long term goals ex: the bathroom renovation and the consession stand. Next I spoke about our short term goals which included the friday night events , plays and restructuring of the playgrounds to access special needs children. The council was very interested in our plans. They were even a little sad and expressed so that it hadnt even dawned on them to build wheel chair ramps at playground site or to get handicap accessable swings. They were impressed with the materials I provided them from the ADA and that I had researched grants to fund the restructuring of the park to meet these childrens needs. They are still very interested in working with our group and our future meetings. They have invited us to come and share with them our progress along the way.

  2. About our last meeting.
    Our last Cities Initiative meeting was very productive. We were blessed by new members to our group that braught with them much to offer. Mr. Paul Lyons Jr. was there and offerd his thaughts and Ideas. Mr. Lyons agreed to speak to a band to preform at the park for us, this is a band that had preformed at our Sorgum Festival, and was very popular. We were also blessed to have with us Mr. Jack Hill a former teacher of Morgan County High. Mr. Hill has offerd to volunteer his time and plays to be preformed at the park or at the MSU or Industial Buildings facilities. Mr. Hill has volunteered his time to produce and direct and also hold casting calls for such plays. Mr. Hills plays are about Morgan county and its history and some characters include some of our ancestors. We had wonderfull discussions during the whole meeting and it was very productive. Mr. Tommy Conley was also attending and while we were discussing how to manage our funds for our priorities ie: consession stand, he offerd the idea to use local clubs that were already set up to handle funds to help us organize and hold our purse to say. These clubs would donate thier time to sell consessions and put back a percentage into the park improvement plans. It was a wonderfull Idea. Our next planned meeting we will here from Mr. Lyons about the band and as he and I discussed about our advertising goals. Mr. Hill will be bringing a few of his plays to introduce and I will have hopefully have spoken to the presidents of a couple of the clubs we are seeking to merge with on our goal. I have already spoken to two club members from the homemakers club which was Oma Patrick and to Mr. Mike Brown of the Rotary Club. So good luck to all and please come out to our next meeting.
