Monday, April 13, 2009

A Building Of Learning

As we all know the high school has been around since the 70’s. It was intended on being built for a new action called the open class room. Where all the rooms have openings that connect. Most people aren’t aware of how hard it is to learn when their gaping wholes and you can hear everything the other teachers are teaching.
It makes you not want to pay attention and can be quite aggravating while taking test. I understand why many students drop out, their being blamed for not learning when it the building keeping you from it. Wouldn’t you quit if you was being blamed for not being able to learn when it really your surroundings.
Even though many don’t understand that having a colorful surrounding helps increase knowledge, and learning abilities. When you have to sit in a yellow square room all day long and try to pay attention to your teacher it is quite hard. It puts a lot of unneeded stress on students, who try so hard to do their best and can not succeed.
In my opinion the high school needs big improvements starting with some skylights that let us see some type of sun light in each room. Also some type of color besides YELLOW. I do believe that it would not only improve the building but also the academics of many fellow students.

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