Monday, April 13, 2009

Bridgett's Essay

There are many ways this process might work. First we could use public opinion, every opinion matter when trying to help the community, the public can give suggestions that might be very helpful. The new media such as the radio and new paper would be great. We could get a couple of people that are involved with the new city initiative to talk on the radio and explain who they are, and what their trying to accomplish. We could put an ad in the news paper telling who they are, what their going do and what they can do to get involve. It could have a meeting place and a time, or some one to contact to get started.
Also we could involve local interest groups witch is a group of people drawn together in support of a common interest or to voice a common concern. We could include interest groups such as churches, the woman’s club, and rotary club. They can voice their opinion and ideals in what they think west liberty needs. They can start a petition and get people to sign it saying what needs to be done. They can have a BBQ to help get others in the community involve.
Political Parties could get involve if they are going to run for the up coming election they might want to show the citizens that their helping the new city initiative to try to improve the city. So maybe they can get elected. If say I was wanting to get reelected then I would want to get involve to show that I am trying to help with improving the community.

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