Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My essay

I personally am not that good at leaving comments or making blogs on the internet. But, since Professor Gay says I have to do this for my grade, here it goes. We are talking about the New Cities Community Initiative.
One of the top concerns that comes up is jobs. This is not just jobs for those that are currently seeking one, but, for the youth that do not see any opportunities to stay in this community when they graduate high school or college. We do have factories, the hospital, and the prison. But, there isn’t much else available above minimum wage jobs. So opening up new job opportunities would be a good start.
Another concern is youth activities and improvement in youth involvement in the community. A lot of this could be solved by creating activities that also include community involvement. If there were more to do for our youth they would want to be involved. Creating places for the youth to meet and get to know more about each other and things going on in the community would lead to more youth involvement in the community.
Also, it has been mentioned that senior citizens have nothing to return to when they retire. Creating a senior citizen community within Morgan County would help with this problem. It would also create more jobs in healthcare and recreation.
Another idea that was mentioned was helping the farmers with agricultural tourism. Making farms not just for selling their products but for local tourism.
A recycling center has been one of the ideas that was mentioned. This not only would create jobs but also help beautify the community and be eco-friendly.
Last but not least, is improvement of the high school. The facilities need upgraded. The walls need painted. It needs more windows. The high school needs to be a place that students enjoy learning in. And, the teachers enjoy teaching in.
With all this said, I don’t know if this is what Professor Gay was looking for but, it is what I have learned by attending the meetings for the New Cities Community Initiative. Now, to get all of the above mentioned done we need everyone to be involved in making our community the best it can be. We need to get out and spread the word. By mouth, by radio, by newspaper, by contacting our state representatives, and by the internet. The more people that do, is the more that will get done. Let’s be the squeaky wheel!

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