Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jackie's Essay

Our West Liberty Community is planning on making a new cities institute group. That means that a certain group of citizens are going to get together and produce a group to help make West Liberty a better place. Such as if they think that Morgan County needs a new extension to their education department. If the citizens believe we need a better place for the community to go for fun such as a bowling alley or arcade games. By using the political linkages I am going to compare each one to the plan that the group has. I am going to starting with the political parties of the level and explain that first. Political parties are a very important part of the government’s actions. For our plan political parties can help support our group. Such as if we need political help or opinions you could go to a political party for help. The party could support the idea and talk about it to other politics, to get their opinion also. Interest groups are the next part of the level. Interest groups are the groups that are interested in a plan and want to help and participate in the plan. Such as the Women’s Club, Kiwanis’s Club, and etc. Can help support and participate in the plan. Media is the process of radio, newspaper, flyers, and the community in general. The radio can announce certain points to your plan. The radio or the newspaper can advertise your plan to the community. The citizens of the community may not have computers etc. to get information from them so they could get information from the newspaper or radio. Public opinions have a lot to do with the level of political linkage the public has opinions of their own that count very strongly to the plan. If the public doesn’t agree and like your plan then they won’t vote for the plan. Then your plan won’t pass to be processed in the community. The last level would be elections which is the voting of the citizens. If elections didn’t happen then your plan would never be in progress. Such as if the citizens don’t like the plan then they won’t vote for the plan. Then your plan won’t pass from the government’s part. If you don’t have the political linkage level involved and interested in your plan then your plan won’t pass in the process. If you use the political pyramid then your plan will have a better chance of working.

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