Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blogger Invitations

FYI... I've invited all the GOV 141 students to become a blogger on this site. That's where you'll park your essay that's due Monday. I sent the invitations to your MSU email accounts. If anyone has trouble getting it up here just let me know.

Thanks. Good luck.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Economic growth, prosperity and the abilities to compete, provide and thrive in a fast pace world. These are all of the elements that consist in making a productive and functioning society. But how can we make that happen here, in our hometown?
    One way is to get active. Letting our voice be heard, having our needs and desires wieghed and appreciated. But how do we get that as citizens? One way that has seemed to make progress in any govermental action is by joining voices with others, by way of interest groups. Our new cities group is an intrest group that will provide for a voice for the public as well as assist our local government in pursuing the wishes of the public. And keeping the public informed on our progress.
    Our group will do this by a variety of venues and insturments. One of the most powerfull forms is word of mouth. Sometimes this can effect areas of our population such as older members of our community who may not utilize the internet. But as citizens of our community thier needs and thaughts for our growing city and its success are just as important as anyone elses.
    We can conduct phone interviews, go door to door. Our group could have meetings as well to get our fellow citizens active. Everyone wants prosperity here in Morgan County. We want to see our beutifull little city grow. I have already spoken to several people here in our community who have to go out side our county to find work. Some of these are in factories that would rather be working here in thier own home town. These people dont like to drive many hours away from family just to find a job that could be provided here. They are paying county and city taxes through thier jobs to other counties where they work but do not live. Those tax dollars could help our county and provide jobs for our people.
    But how do we get this done? We will consult with our local government leaders our chamber of commerce and local citizens to establish thier needs and desires. The New Cities Group will then provide the best action plan. We will keep our citizens aware of progresss and victories by means of the licking valley courier, our local paper, by our blog site here on the internet and by radio.
    We need to try to work together for the good of our community, despite our party affiliations. Asking ourselves what is best for our people. Of course by hearing the needs and seeing possible petitions signed by hundreds of people willing to work here in Morgan County, our government leaders are probably not apt to overlook such a mass of probable voters come election time. We can get thier attention by means of petitions and numbers we have active in our plan for Morgan County. We must strive for thier attention to our needs.
    Above all else our county must progress and provide for its people. Beyond party, beyond ego, and beyond the great and all consuming "I" must come the future of our city. Providing future opportunities here in education, the job market and for our future citizens, our children. Morgan County must be moved forward and everyone will have to get thier hands dirty to see it through.
