Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ashley's Essay

The leading officials of Morgan County, has made a rather huge decision. They have decided to take on a new project called “New Cities”. With this we are prepared to bring big changes to West Liberty. The first thing on the agenda would have to be to spread the word, which means tell the local business owners and the other orgnazations such as churches, and youth groups, because without their support “New Cities” might not get anywhere.
Another thing is to set up a meeting, invite anyone who is interested,for or against, and tell them their opinion counts. We need all the help we can to get this going. After we’ve posted the date and made sure everyone knows about it. We have the meeting.

During the meeting, we will discuss what we want to bring to West Liberty. For agruements sake we’ll say we want a walmart. Then we will contact WAlmart, but first we need someone to advocate for us. Such as a owner of a big business,and have them contact Walmart and tell them why it is a good idea for them to come to West Liberty. We then need to get it advertised like on WLEX18 or WKYT27,or 102.9. Getting public opinion on our side is #1, then they can write letters to walmart saying why we need them here.

Using Interest groups will help too. Political linkages is the only way to go to get a Walmart to West Liberty. And I believe “New Cities” with political linkages can do it.

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