Monday, March 9, 2009

Amanda's Essay

Political linkages connect the American government with its people; these linkages make it possible for the individual citizen to have a voice in how their city, state and even country are run. Public opinion, interest groups, the media, political parties, and elections are examples of these linkages between the government and the people it governs.
The political linkages would play an integral and important part of the new cities initiative. The first political linkage that is likely to come into play is interest groups. Which in the city of West Liberty would be comprised of church groups, community improvement based clubs such as the Kiwanis and the Rotary club, and groups such as our student group. These interest groups would begin the process by presenting the problems they feel exist in the community and would create forums for other citizens to voice their feelings about the problems in the community. These interest groups would also most likely try to come up with different solutions to the problems to this community. For instance if one group felt that drugs were the most serious problem in West Liberty they may present a community involvement program as a solution to the problem. Interest groups could also lobby for different solutions that the new cities initiative leaders come up with. If something that the leaders come up with as a solution to the communities problems is of particular interest to them they will put their support behind it.
One of the most important components in the success of the new cities initiative would have to be the media. This includes our local newspaper and radio, as well as our readily available internet resources such as facebook and our blog. Accessible internet resources such as these allow the individual private citizen to voice their opinion about what should be done in the community. The members of the new cities initiative as well as members of the interest groups getting involved could utilize these sources to publicize the new cities initiative and the plans it is making for the community. The media is also a great way of getting the community involved in the project. Creating a facebook group and a blog are both excellent forums for community feedback. Newspaper articles and radio spots are both great ways to publicize meetings provide snippets of information on what it is the committee is doing.
Then of course as we provide forums for the community to share their opinions on our plans the public opinion of the community will begin to play a very important role in the project. We will not only be taking into account what our interest groups and committee says we will also be taking into account the opinions of the public in the community. If the community as a whole is expressing a very negative opinion they will be very unlikely to continue on with whatever it is that the public are so opposed to. Public opinion is a very powerful thing mostly because of the effect public opinion has on the outcome of elections.
Elections themselves could also play an important role in this process because politicians that are active in this community would be keeping elections in consideration as they participate in the process. They will consider the public’s opinion before choosing a stance or making a decision on anything. They will be conscious of what the community is most supportive of and choose to support it as well because that is most likely what will garner support for them in their next election. Elections would also be a very important part of who becomes active and participates in the new cities initiative someone who plans on running for office would very likely be very active and visible in this community improvement project. If only just to get their name out in public and meet voters.
Political parties would also play a role in the process as often happens in politics there would likely be some opposition between the parties about how they believe the communities problems could best be solved. People would be very likely to align with their party and this could cause some un-wanted conflict in the project and this would be one of the obstacles the community would need to overcome in this process. However party loyalties could be helpful for this project as well. If one party is able to really pull together as a party and manage to get state leaders of the party active in their community improvement plan then that could really be helpful in the accomplishment of community improvement.
With the assistance of all the political linkages the new cities initiative could accomplish what it set out to and really improve the community with the help of its leaders and citizens.

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